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(305) 558-2332

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How to prepare for termite treatment

All items for human consumption (such as foods. beverage. drugs and medicine). which are not intact in the original manufacturer’s airtight containers (such as sealed glass or metal). must be removed trom the structure prior to fumigation.

The food found inside the refrigerators and freezers must also be removed.

Remove all mattresses and pillows with waterproof covers. such as “cant wet” mattresses for infants or sickrooms. or remove covers, All heating elements must be unplugged (heaters, pianos. organs. etc).

All pilot lights must be extinguished (hot water heaters. ranges. ovens. broilers. gas refrigerators. dryers. automatic lighting Systems. etc.).

Make arrangements to turn off all gas at main valve Or tank. Shut Off automatic switch controls for appliances and lighting systems that will be included in the space to be fumigated.

Electricity must be available, as it will be required to run fans during the fumigation period.

Cut back shrubbery and tree branches to prevent damage Allow enough space for the tent to fall freely to the ground Tree limbs growing over the root must be trimmed back.

Thoroughly water the ground around shrubs and plants located adjacent to the structure.

All people must leave and all living things. such as pets (including fish aquariums and growing plants). must be removed from your building before the fumigation begins.

All cabinets, drawers, closets and interior doors must be opened. Raise blinds, open drapes and attic vents. Retract all awnings. It will not be necessary to wash dishes. pots. pans. silverware. etc.

This gas leaves no residue. The company will exercise due care in its fumigation procedures. but will not be responsible for broken roof tiles, gutters. solar heaters, foliage or other inadvertent damage caused by properly performed procedures.

The law requires that all building be locked during a fumigation. It is most important that you make key arrangements with the company representative conducting the fumigation.

A KEY BLOCK will be placed over your locks and will be removed by the fumigator after fumigation has been completed. During the fumigation and aeration procedures, the company will not be held responsible for vandalism, theft Or breaking and entering. The fumigated Structure must not be entered until it has been declared clear tor reentry by the licensed fumigator.